A Hudson HSLT Initiative

A special thank you to Ms. Brianna Jinadu, our new Speech Teacher, for spearheading this initiative. Hudson High School of Learning Technologies will begin monthly virtual nights to inspire and motivate our students. During these sessions students will hear stories from various individuals, who have overcome adversity and setbacks in their life journeys, and have been able to find success in various career paths. Featured guests will also share how their High School experience impacted their career choices. In her text, Cultivating Genius, Dr. Gholdy Muhammad suggests that, “...identity is composed of notions of who we are, who others say we are (in both positive and negative ways), and whom we desire to be.” It is in this vein that Ms. Jinadu developed the idea for Yes, You Can! Our hope is that HHSLT students will see themselves reflected in the lives of our featured Yes, You Can! guests and that they, too, can achieve their goals and aspirations.

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Yes, You Can! With Entrepreneur Corey Lewis of 1and1life

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Yes, You Can! TikTok

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Tell me more

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Fashion Industry

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Filmmaker and Videographer


Hudson HSLT Strong!

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